Happy Thoughts for Justin & Jennifer!

Leave your kind words of encouragement or support here!


  1. YOU TWO just amaze me!!! I love you bunches!!!

  2. May God bless you both. My daughter had a very aggressive type of cancer when she was 4, went through aggressive inpatient chemo and then a bone marrow transplant. When she was diagnosed it was like in an instant we were thrust into the darkest storm of our lives. It is amazing how everything can change in a moment. The song "Hold On, the Light Will Come" by Michael Mclean was comforting to me. The light WILL come. It will. I promise. Also the Hymn "How Firm a Foundation," is so comforting. Read every verse. "He Hears Me," by HIllary Weeks. I would take my small Hymn book and my scriptures to Primary Children's Hospital with us so I could read them whenever I needed to. Also, remember Elder Wirthlin's talk, "Sunday Will Come." My heart goes out to you both. I will pray for you. My daughter had about a 12% survival rate. That was 15 years ago and she just graduated from High School. She is doing great! She ran cross country all through high school. With God's help you can do this. Hold on, the light will come. I promise it will. This too shall pass.

  3. I'm not a runner, but I will hike in your honor. You're in our prayers every day. God bless you and your whole family.
